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Privacy policy in social media


In accordance with current legislation and applicable to personal data protection and Law 34/2002 from June 111th, relative to Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico (I.SSI-CE), POLLENTIA PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE S.L.U informs users that they have created a profile in Social Media Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, YOUTUBE, in order to publish their products and services. 


-NIF: B57928806

The user has a profile in the same Social Media and has decided to join the page created by POLLENTIA PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE S.L.U showing interest in information published in the media. By joining this page, they are giving us consent to process personal details published in their profile. 

The user can at all times access the privacy policies of the same Social Media, likewise can set up his/her profile to guarantee privacy.

POLLENTIA PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE S.L.U has access to and processes public information about the user, especially his/her contact name. These details can only be used on specific Social Media.  They are not included in any processing system.

Rights of interested parties

In relation to rights of access, rectification, processing limits, suppression, portability and opposition to the processing of details of a personal nature, at your disposition and which can be invoked concerning POLLENTIA PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE S.L.U in accordance with the RGPO, the following details should be taken into account

  • Right to Access.  The user´s right to obtain information about his/her specific personal details and any processing previously or in the future, likewise about the information available concerning the origin of those details provided and any communications that have taken place or will take place about them.

  • Right to rectification:  The right of the affected party to have details modified  if incomplete or incorrect. This will only be applied to that information controlled by POLLENTIA PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE S.L.U, for example, elimination of comments, images or web contents with the user´s personal details published on the webpage. 

  • Right to limit processing. The right to limit the  processing objectives planned originally by those responsible for processing. 

  • Right to Suppression: Right to delete user´s personal details, except for that established in the RGPO or any other applicable regulations on the mandatory storage of these details with time limit and format.

  • Right to Portability: The right to receive personal details provided by the user in a structure, normal use and mechanical reading and to transfer them to another processing body.

  • Right to Opposition: The user´s right to oppose processing of his/her personal details or ceasing their processing by POLLENTIA PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE S.L.U


  • Access to public information of the profile

  • Publication on the user's profile of all the information published on the POLLENTIA PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE S.LU. webpage

  • Send personal and individual messages through Social Media

  • Updating of the page publishing the user´s profile

The user can always control his/her connections, delete contents no longer of interest and restrict connection sharing and to do this, has to enter privacy settings.


The user, once linked to the POLLENTIA PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE S.L.U, will be able to publish comments, links, images or photos or any other type of multimedia contents sustained by the Social Network. The user, in all cases, must be the title holder, have copyright to intellectual property or have consent from the affected third parties.  It is expressly prohibited to put any and all publications on the page, whether graphic, photographs, videos, etc., that are, or could be liable to constitute an attack against morality, ethics, good taste or decorum and/or infringe upon, or violate the rights of intellectual or industrial rights and the right to image or the Law.In these cases, POLLENTIA PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE S.L.U reserves the right to immediately withdraw the contents and request a permanent block on the user.

POLLENTIA PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE S.L.U cannot be held responsible for the comments freely published by a user.

The user should bear in mind that his/her publications will be seen by the other users therefore will be responsible for his/her own privacy.

Images published on the webpage cannot be stored on any processing system by POLLENTIA PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE S.L.U but they will remain on the Social Network.

Competitions and promotions

POLLENTIA PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE S.L.U reserves the right to enter competitions and promotions in which the user linked to the page can take part,  The rules for each one of them when used for the Social Network platform, will be published there.  Always complying with the 1.SSI -CE and any other applicable regulation.

The Social Network does not sponsor, endorse or administer in any way, any of our promotions nor is associated with any of them.


POLLENTIA PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE S.L.U will use the Social Network to publish its products and services, in all cases, if they decide to process contact details to carry out commercial prospection acts, will always comply with the legal requirements of regulations concerning data protection and the I.SSI-CE.

Recommending to other users the POLLENTIA PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE S.L.U page will not be considered as publicity and will be for them to see publicity and to have information concerning activities. 

These are the details of the links to the Privacy Policy on Social Networks

Last updated: November 18th 2023


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